Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP System

Your business has multiple functions and processes that must work together efficiently and effectively. 

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) provides a complete solution to manage your end-to-end business. The primary role of an ERP is to integrate your business processes across procurement, sales, inventory, HR, CRM and accounting. Accounting is definitely the backbone of every business but if it's not correctly integrated with every other business process, you will not get the maximum benefit. 

There are multiple ERPs available in the market, however we recommend that you take a look at the top vendors recommended by Gartner. 

Looking at the diagram, Odoo ERP is a popular option occupying a unique position because it is user friendly and fulfills the broadest business scope. 

Enterprise Resource Planning is essential for your customer satisfaction

Your customer must be at the center of your business. Literally!
An integrated CRM and ERP will give you accurate and on-the-spot information and will keep track of the communication history with your customer. You can also keep track of all calls, tasks, issues, activities and documents related to your customer to save your time and ensure your customer satisfaction.

Sell and control your costs and expenses with an ERP system

Every business rely on a supply chain that must be properly managed. Starting from your suppliers providing you with stock and services and ending with a successful sale and everything in between must be tracked. 

If you are in the manufacturing business producing goods, cost control is a major topic that many manufacturers struggle with. Correctly knowing the cost of your manufactured good, including all landed costs, is crucial to gain competitive edge in the market. 

When it comes to selling, a proper ERP will enable multiple sales channels including typical Point of Sales (POS) and e-commerce.

Time is also a resource managed by an ERP

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. Time is also a resource. In fact, time is the most important resource you have and own in your business and it must be properly managed to keep your operational efficiency. 

An ERP allows you to define your projects and track time and other resources spent delivering it. Anything that is completed using tasks that have dependencies like projects, manufacturing orders, field services and similar must be properly tracked and managed in an ERP. 

It's also obvious that the whole processes are inter-related, hence the need for an integrated system. 

Successful ERP Implementation

Implementing an ERP software is not easy. In fact, it takes effort, expertise and dedication to succeed in an ERP implementation. 

The process starts with correct capturing of your current business processes and aligning it to the ERP solution.
The best practice is to "adopt" an ERP system. This means that you must be ready to change some of your habits to match the best practices and common processes provided by the ERP. 

It's known that companies are not the same, therefore picking an ERP that can be customized and extended to match your special business cases is also essential for a satisfactory implementation. 

Your ERP implementation partner will guide you in adopting your ERP software and adapting your business processes to match the best practices. An excellent ERP implementation partner will also support you in your customization needs, taking into account the future upgradability of the system. 

Choosing the right ERP implementation partner

Given that you ERP implementation partner can make a huge difference in the outcome of your endeavor, here are some tips that will help you to select the right partner for your journey:

  • Reliable Partner. You will say : Of course because this is trivial. You shall not spend time and money on a partner that cannot deliver. Read testimonials, ask for recommendations and thoroughly evaluate the skills of your partner. Beware of the shiny partners with great marketing and poor execution. 
    Choosing a partner for the lower price does not mean that you saved your money!
    ERP implementations are not cheap because it requires experts and years of hands-on experience. 
  • Industry Knowledge. Don't look for a partner who "did it before". Your business is different and this means that previous success cannot predict future ones. Industry knowledge is important, but always be prepared to share your expertise and business knowledge. Remember that every partner who did it before, was doing it for the first time with another business, and was successful!
    Instead of deep business knowledge, look for a partner who have the intelligence and expertise to understand your business processes fast and apply the best practices to your business case. Successful partners can bring experts on-board to bridge any knowledge gaps.
  • Excellent Resources and Expertise. Your friendship with the owner or the key resources of a certain partner does not mean that he can deliver!
    We have also seen partners who strike deals with the vendor so that the vendor always recommend them to big customers. You cannot gamble the future of your business with partners who do that!
    Check the resources and team capabilities of the partner and check if you can trust their team and have the synergy needed for success, regardless of your prior friendship with any of the team members. 

With the important knowledge and industry secrets shared in this article, you have all the tools you need to start your ERP implementation journey. 

NavyBits is the only Odoo partner in Lebanon with deep knowledge of Odoo, starting from Odoo v8 and until Odoo v15.
NavyBits also keeps track with all the advancements coming to Odoo.
You will not find any other partner matching our knowledge in Odoo Cloud ERP. We love the opportunity to help you in your Enterprise Resource Planning implementation. 

If you are in Lebanon, NavyBits is your best ERP implementation Partner in Lebanon, specialized in Odoo ERP implementation in Lebanon with complete solution for Lebanon localization.

If you are outside Lebanon, in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, South Africa or anywhere else in the world, NavyBits can also work with you and your team to deliver a successful implementation. NavyBits can also offer you training, support and development services for your Odoo ERP customization.

Contact us now and let's put our expertise at the service of your business and your success.

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